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Especially red and blue fruits are rich in cell protection substances and bring power to the immune system. Fresh from the field in summer, dried or frozen in autumn and winter.

In our body there are constantly a lot of so-called free radicals that can damage our organism. Luckily, there are foods that contain many protective agents against such free radicals. Especially red and blue fruits are particularly rich in these so-called cell-protecting antioxidants. Therefore: From today on you can eat more berries, plums, grapes or even cherries. Fresh, dried or frozen, the fruits bring color and power to the immune system. Eat healthy with berries and plums: Here is the recipe for it!



Ingredients for 1 person: 
3 tablespoons of wholesome oatmeal 
1 tbsp unsulphured raisins (health food store or health food store) 
1 tbsp walnuts 
50 g mixed berries (also frozen) 
1 tart apple (about Gravensteiner) 
125 ml kefir 
1 tsp acacia honey 
1 tsp sea buckthorn juice



1. Mix oatmeal, raisins, and walnuts in a bowl. Read berries, rinse and drain, defrost frozen. Wash apple and cut into slices. Arrange fruits of the cereal. 

2. Mix kefir with honey and sea buckthorn juice. Pour over the cereal and serve everything immediately. 

Per person: 280 kcal, 50 g carbohydrates, 8 g fat, 9 g protein.

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