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Summer slimming program: 8th week

Get in shape this summer with our 8-week slimming program. This week, evaluate all of your results.

You have arrived at the last stage of the program. You have shown extraordinary determination over the past 7 weeks. Bravo!

Take the time to review the goals you set for yourself early in the program to determine which ones have been achieved, which ones you continue to work on, and what new challenges you are preparing for.

Take note of what worked for you

Tell yourself that after accomplishing such a feat, you deserve a reward, so treat yourself! For example, you could give yourself a massage session or workout clothes.

Long-term challenges: Beyond the 8th week

This week, like last week, you will have 6 workouts. Try to work out the days of the week to make physical exercise an essential part of your daily routine.

However, be sure to spend one day a week at rest.

Do not plan a workout that day, or if you want to stay active, opt for enjoyable physical activities that do not require effort. In this way, you give your body time to rest and strengthen.

Develop the habit of challenging yourself

As you have seen, the program exercises have gradually evolved from elementary and undemanding to complex and intense. Even if the program ends, continue to train intensely in the weeks that follow, this can only be beneficial for you.


Make sure to vary your cardio and strength exercises.

For example, why not use an exercise ball during your workouts to increase the level of difficulty and to work your muscles differently (see below for the exercises on Day 2)

Have you thought about hiring a personal trainer? It can motivate you and help you stay on track. Thus, you will pursue your goals: health and weight loss.

Now that you give fitness a place in your life, I wish you good luck!


8th week: let's go!

Note: The 8-week program exercises are designed for healthy people who want to get in shape. It is therefore important to consult your doctor to find out if they are appropriate for you.

1st day of exercises (40 minutes):

Warm up : 3 minutes 
Cardio exercise: 30 minutes

'First 3 minutes: practice an RPE of 5 (quite difficult or 6 [difficult] 
' next 24 minutes: alternate in the following order: 1 minute at an RPE of 7 [very difficult] or 8 [quite painful] and 1 minute at an RPE of 5 or 6. [12 repetitions in total] 
'3 minutes following: exercise at an RPE of 5 or 6 
' last 7 minutes (recovery): keep the effort at 2 [very low] or 3 [low, easy], and then stretch.

2nd day of exercises (60 minutes):

Repeat the exercise session on the 2nd day of the 7th week. To add more variety and intensity to your workout, try running the board and cross braces with an exercise ball if you have one. Here's how to do it:

 The board using an exercise ball: kneel behind an exercise ball, place forearms on the ball. Contract your abs and lift your knees off the floor to align your back, hips, knees, and ankles. Make sure your lower back does not sag but stays upright. Hold this position for 20 to 30 seconds.

Crossed Adjustments on an exercise ball: sit on the ball, move your feet until you feel the ball support the lower back. Feet parallel to the hips, hands behind the head and elbows on the sides; using the abdominals, lift the head and shoulders by turning the trunk to the left (keep the lower back on the ball). Do 12 consecutive repetitions on one side and then the other.

3rd day of exercises (40 minutes):

Repeat the exercises of the 1st day.

4th day of exercises (35 minutes minimum):

Walk a good pace.

5th day of exercises (60 minutes):

Repeat the exercises on the 2nd day.

6th-day exercises (30 minutes minimum):

Repeat the strength exercises of the 2nd day (wait 48 hours between 2 strength training) and do a cardio exercise (different from the one you have already done this week). For example, if you used the treadmill or stationary bike before, try another kind of cardio machine. You could also go hiking or take a group fitness session.

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